Thursday 12 September 2013

Maëlle, Kaley and the smokin’ cop

We’ve got a new guy on our crew this week. Young fellow – just 18 – and the son of one of our new investors.

He’s also a champion snowboarder in the Snowboard Cross discipline. “Number six in Canada,” Tyler tells me proudly, and it’s all true. I looked it up.

But while I think it’s very cool to be working with a potential future Olympian, I was more interested in hearing him talk about Maëlle Ricker, Canada’s gold medal darling from the Vancouver Olympics. They’re in the same discipline, see, and Tyler says that when he’s in training with the National Team, he trains with her every day.

Never one to let a golden opportunity slip by, I told him that the next time he sees her, to tell her that I love her. Then I told him again, in case he didn’t quite understand the urgency.

Maëlle Ricker is a multiple X-Games champion, an Olympic champion (becoming the first Canadian to win on home soil) and a role model for young Canadians and indeed, any aspiring athlete. She’s also beautiful, just a little bit goofy, and at a couple of months from her 35th birthday, way too old for Tyler.

But not for me. Tell her, Tyler. Tell her that my unrequited love is tearing us apart.

Don’t worry about forgetting. I’ll remind you every day.


Speaking of unrequited love, I just heard that Kaley Cuoco and Henry Cavill broke up.

I didn’t even know they were dating. But given that Big Bang Theory is a Warner Brothers production and Warner Brothers owns DC it tells me that Kaley – and I love Penny on BBT to bits – is a real team player.

But I think she’s playing for the wrong team.

Now I think anyone who watches or even has heard of Big Bang Theory knows the characters (with the exception of Penny) are nerds/geeks and are fans of comic books.  They’re not fans of all comics, mind you. Just those in the DC universe. You know, Superman (who Cavill famously portrayed in this summer’s blockbuster smash, Man of Steel), Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc. Those are also the characters you’ll see on Sheldon’s t-shirts, as well as the characters which might get a plug on the show.

I’m not surprised Marvel doesn’t get any love on the show (though Raj did dress up as Thor in an episode and if I recall, got lucky) but Ms. Cuoco could be better off expanding her horizons in her personal life.

Just think of the stars she could be including in her social calendar from the Marvel universe: Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Hugh Jackman, to name just a few.

Or even Scarlett Johansson.

Jes saying...


And while I’m on the subject of beautiful women, we met a stunningly gorgeous cop the other day.

We were on our way back from a job and we stopped at a bin at the Durham Centre to unload our yard waste.

And there she was.

She was standing between the garbage bin and her cruiser, taking a break and having a smoke. Now I quit 13 years ago and I no longer associate sexy with smoking, but I made an exception with this woman. She really made it work. All of us – there were five in the truck – were momentarily left with jaws agape. I can tell you my heart skipped a beat.

Then Jim made a joke about something and she smiled. And I melted into a puddle of goo.

Strong, powerful women have always excited me, and Durham Regional Police have been attracting quite a few women in that exclusive category into their ranks of late.

This officer was a perfect example of that hiring policy.

Please hire more.

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